Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Two mornings after the night before.

Happy belated Christmas!

Today is that floaty time when all the fuss and preparation of Christmas is over, you are not entirely sure which day it is as it feels like a Sunday yet the time holds in limbo until the New Year is over.

We feel a little like these sleepy creatures, today.

Our barley was collected from the farm on Christmas Eve, so it was both exciting and a relief to see it go.
Christmas Eve is also our eldest son's birthday so we celebrated the beginning of a new year with him as well as the end of the harvest for us.

When I look back to this time last year, I am thankful for the very mild weather we are having now and pray that it stays like this. Yes, the wind has artfully rearranged the garden and even moved the shed but the mild weather ensures that the taps have not frozen and moving around is so much easier.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas.

Our Christmas was quiet and I admit to crying a lot this year because I missed my Mum and Dad even although they have been gone a long time.
I cried with overwhelming emotion at the kindness of the strangers who sent us gifts, so many beautiful things... so much thought and consideration from people who remained anonymous yet who sent love with every present.

Thank you so much.

It was as if my Mum was there as I unwrapped my presents. The same love and thought, the same choice of lovely scents, the warm mittens and scarf to protect against the winter winds...

The gift of Love.

We are nearing the end of a very difficult year and I know that our family will have an almighty fight on our hands next year - how I long for all these fights to end.

Life is bittersweet - the love and support of strangers and the battle against...well, you know...

I hope the strong winds blow away the negative and blow in the positive. May it sweep away all the blights and stains and the ferocity die down to a gentle breeze.

And may it carry Love and Peace to you.


  1. and the picture of reindeer relaxing is a gift to me because I adore them! Thank you

    I love your prayer, it is beautiful
    I wish such blessings for you too
    and that 2012 will see you win your battles and emerge victorious, strong,and contented

    love and peace to you too dear one

  2. Christmas always brings strong memories, we feel the ones we love and aren't with us any more.

  3. I hope and pray that 2012 will be a good year for you, that your voice will be heard and the fight for what is right won.

    I had a moving Christmas with my family too, especially seeing my dad who is riddled with Alzheimer's and a sorry sight.

    Christmas is a difficult time, so much comes out to haunt us.

  4. I'm glad you had a good, if poignant, Christmas and I too wish you health, happiness and victory in your struggle in 2012.

  5. Here's hoping 2012 is a MUCH better year for all on the farm! :D 2011 has been pretty rubbish for my family too (both respective grandparents now in a home, combined with a family illness and death) so fingers crossed things will improve with a new year! :D

  6. Hapy (if late) Christmas and praying for abetter New Year for you and your family. Hang in there...
